1401 Creekwood Pkwy, Ste 101 Columbia, MO 65202




The Miracle of Medical Marijuana

Battle chronic pain, anxiety and addiction with natural medicine

Has Chronic Pain, Anxiety, or Addiction put a hold on your life?

If so, you’re not alone. Over 69 million Americans live with chronic pain. Another 40 million suffer from social anxiety and 19.7 million more struggle with some form of addiction.

Many of these people rely on over-the-counter medicines, addictive pharmaceuticals and costly therapy to remedy their problems.

And others just “deal with it.”

You don’t have to let aches and pains, crippling anxiety, or addiction stop you from living your life.

You don’t have to just “deal with it.” There is a better option.

Medical Marijuana Can Help You

Medical marijuana, a natural medicine, has been used by millions to treat chronic pain and other debilitating and devastating diseases.

Just how many patients rely on it?

An estimated 5,461,491 legal patients in the U.S. treat their symptoms with medical marijuana.

Some are afflicted with devastating diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and cancer.

Many more are in relatively good health who require some help with conditions such as:

Chronic Pain

Medical marijuana has been shown to decrease various forms of chronic pain.

In a recent study, patients ranked pain relief from medical marijuana at 7 out of 10.

And these patients suffered from:

  • Neck, back, and joint pain
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Post-surgical pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Trauma or injury pain
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer pain
  • Menstrual pain
  • Migraines and chronic headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • IBS

For some, the pain disappeared completely while others reported a significant change in the way they experienced pain.

However, almost all the patients studied had one common underlying message: marijuana reduced their pain enough to let them function in their day to day life.


In another study, 58.1% of people said they use medical marijuana to treat anxiety.

Researchers have confirmed anxiety reduction as a primary benefit of medical marijuana.

When used in proper amounts, THC and CBD (the main chemical compounds in marijuana) help to:

  • Relieve anxiety
  • Treat panic attacks
  • Improve relaxation

Others have noted it helps them feel “normal,” avoid negative thoughts, and lets them function better throughout the day and sleep better throughout the night. For many patients, this means leading a more productive, anxiety-free life.


Medical marijuana has also been promoted as an alternative to highly addictive opioids, such as Hydrocodone and Oxycodone, as well as benzodiazepines, such as Xanax and Ativan.

Often, people recovering from surgery or injuries or dealing with anxiety are prescribed these dangerous pills, and as a result, many people become addicted and dependent on these drugs long-term.

In many ways, the benefits of medical marijuana far outweigh those of these addictive substances with potentially life-threatening side-effects including risk for overdose.

Medical marijuana has become a favorable alternative to opioids and benzos due to its lack of addiction and overdose potential and a way to relieve symptoms without the use of pharmaceutical medications.

Is Medical Cannabis for You?

If you struggle with chronic pain, anxiety, addiction,
or other debilitating illnesses, Medical Marijuana may be right for you.

To find out if you qualify for Medical Marijuana in Missouri,
please give us a call or schedule an appointment!